Monday, 19 July 2010

And there is more...

... just a couple more photographs from inside the Anglican Cathedral, there is so much to capture that I think I will leave the rest to you guys! I did want to just show you these, By the way you have Tracey Emin to thank for the neon sign... classy!

Having walked up and down Rodney Street for the last week I saw some fantastic places so I think that I will be starting a Rodney Street collection coming soon. I have some pictures but I want to look at the history to some of these buildings, including the Scottish Church and former Prime Minister, William Gladstone's house, but that will come at a later date..

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Anglican Cathedral

I watched "Julie & Julia" this week and quite frankly I don't know where she found the time to work a full time job, cook all those meals and blog about it without being on crack or speed!

This week is Graduation week and I have been looking after some of the VIP's and even got to say 4 words to Kim Catrall, I think they consisted of "Hello, this way please". And all this deserved pomp and ceremony is taking place at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, now I thought I would reserve the Cathedral's for a time when I was running dry on 'Scouse Sights' (I reserve the right to copyright this as Google doesn't show this as a result!). However, I am in the cathedral, I got a couple of nice shots inside and out so thought I would share them with you. Well worth a look around, entrance is free but for a few quid you can go up to the tower which is brilliant if you get the right day!
For more information on this magnificent building check out their website here.

Friday, 2 July 2010

The monsters are coming!

Right, since I have been told by a couple of people that this blog is seriously lacking in regular content and I feel I have started to use my Tumblr account for inane ramblings and postings I am turning over another new leaf and kick starting with some small posts. In my defence I always have my camera with me and have snapped hundreds of photographs I want to share with you.

I would like a new camera for my birthday and wandered into town along Bold St which has provided a wealth of curiosities over the past few weeks, however, none quite so staged or on the other hand bizarre. On the streets of Liverpool yesterday 4 monsters invaded the town centre, in a scene no doubt thought up after watching A Nightmare Before Christmas 5 times too many, the broadband Niggles and Narks were out promoting O2's Home Broadband. All too happy to have their photo taken all I can say is it is just as well it wasn't a few drinks into a Friday evening the excessively friendly way in which some people greeted them!

Thursday, 1 July 2010


As you will have gathered from previous posts I am not a fan of inane Graffiti but I like expression with meaning. In other words I hate people who just spray paint their names/tags. There is one in particular at the moment who feels that any bit of space is their right to spray their initials onto. However there is no real story behind this just things I have seen and kind of liked!