Well this year hasn't got off to a great start has it, in terms of blogging. At least this is healthier than my tumblr blog which I have had for about 6 months ago and I am now on post 2. So what has kept me so busy that I have neglected my inane musings I hear you ask well nothing other than life, however, I have kept a careful watch up and around and now I have acquired a new lead for my camera phone I can bother you all once more!
Having just verified my last post was over 2 months ago I will have to publish the photos and articles over the next few days.
Liverpool has seen its own March of the Penguins in and out of the city, I believe some are still dotted around the city in similar style to the Superlambanana's. Other than getting to see all the effort people have put into making something fantastic and imaginative I got to see a lot of the city I would not normally see unless I had a bit of business in that area. I would often pass The Bluecoat on the way to Quiggins in years gone by, however, with the building of Liverpool One and the construction of its new pedestrian entrance on Church Street I rarely walk by. However, I could hear the penguin call which led me to another unrelated installation in the trees of The Bluecoat's trees, entitled Specimen Colony, a collection of brightly painted bird boxes which despite the magnificent architecture can be quite dark and dismal. This is the work of Scotish born artist Alec Finlay who did this work as part of the 2008 Bienial, I may come to things late but I am appreciative!